A Unique Part Of You

A Unique Part Of You

If you saw our previous journal “A different approach” you may now be familiar with how you can use “Negative Spaces” in your home and the results that you get from it.

But, what about decorations?

Should you have no decorations? Should you have some decorations? Is it always going to be empty? What can I do?

These are some of the questions that some may have, and although most people think that minimalism means empty and multifunctional, this does not mean that this is the only way.

Keep these 3 key things in check as a reference and you will find so many variations that you can come up with to create your unique minimalist concept:

1. Keep your color pallets at a minimum
2. Explore different textures
3. Implement Negative Spaces

Here are some visual ideas that will help you achieve your unique minimalist concept home.

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